Fernanda Torres

Ph.D. Physics Candidate at University of Houston

“Failure is not an option”

Hi! I’m a graduate candidate in Houston, Texas.

I am a physics Ph.D. student at University of Houston specializing in particle physics with a keen interest in using machine learning to complement scientific endeavours.

+ About Me


Bachelor’s degree in Physics from University of Colima, Colima, Mexico (2018-2022).

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant at University of Houston (2022-2023).

ALICE Collaboration (2023-present).


First author of the letter “New Insights on the Quantum-Classical Division in Light of Collapse Models” published on Foundations on Physics.

“Foundations on Quantum Mechanics”

A poster presentation explaining my undergraduate thesis to high school students to motivate them to pursue a career in STEM.

“Women in STEM”

Women in Physics at UH participating with a poster for research day to talk about the importance of Women in STEM along the years, and how our organization works.

Behind the life of an international student

The real and complicated life of an international graduate student…


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